viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013


I'm just thinking about the person that matters the most to you. Yourself. Nobody will ever undestand how you feel or what's happening on your mind.
So you should care about your happiness because no one does.

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2009

Pretty Sad

I miss three people. And I can't just let it pass since they are there to remind me of my loss.
1- I miss the way we used to spend the time playing games and making sounds.
2- I miss laughing aloud and telling funny stuff.
3- I miss to feel you are right by my side.


It makes me feel I'm not as important to you as you are to me.
I would give up my life to see you smile.
How come you don't want to take a walk with me when we share the same blood and you are capable of leaving the town with someone new?
I'll heal. I'll come back. I promise.
I can be my own worst enemy but I've also learned to selfheal myself.
I need some time to assume a new plan. But it's ok as long as I see you're happy.
Life changes and not always changes to worst.
We have to find our paths because wherever those are we are conected in many ways that distance won't be able to break.

viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

This Is Still Today

I'd like to live in my bubble, I wish I didn't care.
I wanna live in a song, dancing with the sound, hallucinating in color, shivering inside.
I need to hide somewhere from my anger. This can't be good.
I don't wanna be screaming inside, just doesn't feel right.

I thought you were smarter. Maybe you just need to fall a couple of more times. But I can't promise to keep always by your side. I need to have a life of my own. I guess I deserve it. It wasn't the easiest road the one I've chosen to follow but I ended up here, this is what I got, and I'm taking it the best way I can.

I'll just stick around enjoying some of the best of this fucking life.

sábado, 4 de julio de 2009

Some words

Let's build our fate together. I don't need a ring, I don't want a baby, I only want you as my daily pleasure.

I might not remember places, dates, or even names but I'll never forget how you made me feel in those days.

I do love you and I need you. I couldn't live without your words. I've never thought I could believe in love again but that was because I never believed I was going to meet someone like you. You are the one, you are my only one. I get a bit scared when I realise how I feel about you.

Send me kisses, say goodnight and promise to always be at my side. Share a story, confess a lie and walk always by my side.

Sonrio porque soy feliz. Aunque no logro verte a mi lado sé que estás aquí. Puedo cerrar los ojos y en un momento todo cambia. Logro oir esa canción que tanto me gusta y disfrutar del aroma de una dulce y suave fruta.


I hate dreaming. It only leads to unhappiness because I can't help waking up. You are only able to compare from the way it could have been to the way it really is.
I hate living, I would rather be less aware because I can't stand seeing empty days.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009


Mis días nublados están, cubiertos por sombras que me rodean en todas partes sin permitirme soñar, diciéndome "nunca podrás". Mi escapatoria es correr, correr hacia otro lugar, donde sombras no hay y los días brillan por la alegría del querer vivir, vivir para conocer, vivir y dejar soñar. Allí quizás mis sueños se harán realidad.